Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Emotions control our life wether we like it or not. They play a huge part in our life because everything we do is based on emotions to something, family, friends, our own morals, or maybe that really cute person we passed in the store.

I can tell you from personal experience that I know this to be very true. I recently made a huge decision in my life based on where I want to go and who I want to be. Because of this decision I will have little contact with everyone that means something to me.

But in fact right now I am going through the hardest thing in my life that I have ever had to do.

Wait. . .

That is right I am waiting to leave and it is killing me because I will not be able to see my friends and family for two whole years. Another thing that is really really painful is that I have two very special people in my life that I care very much for and yet I cannot do very much about it.

If either of these two girls are reading this I am pretty sure you know who you are but I just want you to know that I will always be thinking about you and no matter where you are when I get back I will come and see you.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


My life hasn't been perfect just like everyone elses we all have our upsides and downfalls our strengths and weaknesses. Life is all about choices and depending on those choices we make we create who we are. Some of us say that we made a choice for someone else or because of someone else, but really in the end it all came down to us making that choice.

When I look back on my life I not only see what I did but also who I was, who I am, how I came to be the way I am. I don't look back thinking; if only I could have done this or maybe if this would have happened everything would be different I would not have had to go through all of the bad things that I did. We all go through rough spots. The only thing we can do is fight our way through them and make the choices that leads us to a better life.

When I look back I think of a song a very specific song, it is "The Dance" by Garth Brooks because if I were to go back and redo everything I would not change one thing that has happened what I did made me and I made those decisions to get to the here and now.